A recent rumors surfaced in the internet the the comedy queen Ai-Ai delas Alas is already pregnant and got married in Las Vegas, Nevada. We haven’t received any confirmation yet from Ai-Ai about the issue.
As previously reported the boyfriend of Ai-Ai, Jed Salas proposed to the actress on Holy Week rumors have spread like wildfire regarding Ai-Ai’s pregnancy. Although the pregnancy and marriage issue were not cleared as of this writing, the actress wished for a baby based upon previous interviews.
Ai-Ai also hinted the possibility of her marriage with Jed after she posted on her Instagram account, a picture of her and Jed dress formally. Her children namely, Sancho, Sean Nicolo, and Sophia were present in a picture with the captions that reads: “FORMAL DINNER… happy day!”
Here’s the photos of Ai-Ai delas Alas Rumored Wedding: