RH Law to be Implemented on March 31, Easter Sunday

The highly-controversial RH Bill which was signed into Law last December 2012 by the President of the Republic of the Philippines, Pres. Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III will be implemented this coming Easter Sunday.

Related Article: RH Bill Signed Into Law

According to the “Department of Health,” the “momentous event” in the history of health care in the county will be implemented a few days from now. The DOH have already approved on Friday, March 15, 2013, the implementing rules and regulations of the Reproductive Health Law.

The Health Secretary of the DOH, Sec. Enrique Ona, stated that the signing of the implementing rules and regulations of the “Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Law of 2012” was vital in the implementation of the government’s Universal Health Care program.

The program is needed to reduce the maternal deaths and improve the overall reproductive health outcomes in the country. Secretary Ona adds further that “The law will empower women, through informed choice and voluntarism, improve access to information, facilities and services, increased stability and sustainability of health policy across national and local government,” Ona said in a statement.

Meanwhile Health (–foul word(s) removed–)istant Secretary Madeleine Valera stated that implementing the rules will be published in newspapers this weekend and will take effect on March 31, Easter Sunday.

RH Law


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