Breaking Dawn 2: Spoiler and Trailer Video

The highly anticipated Breaking Dawn Part 2 commenced at the moment when Bella Swan-Cullen (Kristen Stewart) changed into a vampire and his husband Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) supported her during the adjustment period.

Before the end of the Breaking Dawn Part 1, lovers Bell and Edward had a baby girl whom they named Renesmee. The baby is a half-vampire and half-human.

Bella wasn’t able to met Renesmee until the time that Edward was so sure that his wife was able to control her thirst for blood. The story got complicated when Jacob (Taylor Lautner) imprinted on baby Renesmee.

For those who are not familiar with the movie, imprinting is a wolf thing wherein a werewolf, after setting his eyes for the first time on an opposite sex, instantly feels drawn to and experience anĀ unusualĀ and unconditional love towards the woman he imprinted on.

The other problems that faced by Bella and Edward was on Bella’s Dad, Charlie Swan, who tried to demand explanation on what was going on and the undeniable change in Bella. After the revelations and explanations of Bella that it was for his father’s safety, Charlie settled on not knowing everything in order not to loose Bella.

Those are just some of the few spoilers of the movie, meanwhile currently the movie, Breaking Dawn Part 2 have been dominating the international box office during the premiere night.

Here’s the video trailer of the Breaking Dawn Part 2:


Breaking Dawn Part 2 Video

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