President Barrack Obama was re-elected by the people of the United States against Mitt Romney with a total of 303 Electoral Votes compared to the 206 Electoral votes got by Mitt Romney of the Republican Party.
The most critical win got by Obama was in the state of Ohio, Obama who was defeated in the popular votes needed a total of more 270 electoral votes to win in which he succeeded.
President Barrack Obama had a total of 59,565,415 Popular Votes accounting for 50.3% while Mitt Romney defeated also in Popular Votes with a total of 56,942,703 votes for 48.1%.
The Democrats now controls a total of 53 Senate seats while the Republicans have 47. Democrats gained 3 more seats while the Republicans lost 3 seats.
The current total seats of the US Senate has 56 Democrats while the Republicans has 44 seats.
The House of Representatives on the other hand, the Republicans have dominated with a total of 183 against the Democrats with 131 only. There are 435 total seats in the House.