Canada Eartquake 7.7 Magnitude Caused Hawaii Tsunami

An earthquake with magnitude 7.7 occurred near Prince Rupert, BC, Canada at 03:04:10.56 UTC on Oct 28, 2012. The exact location of the earthquake was located at 126 miles (202 km) SSW of Prince Rupert, BC, Canada.

Canada 7.7 Magnitude Earthquake locations:

  • 164 miles (263 km) S of Metlakatla, AK;
  • 172 miles (277 km) SSE of Hydaburg, AK;
  • 452 miles (727 km) NW of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Due to the earthquake in Canada the island state of Hawaii was also hit by a tsunami on Saturday night prompting the authorities to order at least 100,000 people on the island state to move to higher ground.

As of press time there is no recorded casualties with the recent earthquake that strike Canada but authorities were still investigating for possible casualties and damage to properties.

Meanwhile people living in Hawaii have panicked right after the announcement of a possible tsunami which hit the islands at around 10:28 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time. According to estimates from government authorities in Hawaii, there are at least 100,000 to 150,000 people were evacuated from coastal areas to higher grounds.

A few hours before the 7.7 magnitude earthquake, at around 02:43:09 UTC, the US Geological Survey have also recorded an earthquake which strikes the Philippines. The epicenter of the  5.3 earthquake was located at 85 Km. NE of San Isidro, Philippines equivalent to 150km (93mi) NE of Placer, Philippines.

Hawaii Tsunami updates


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