The Chinese Navy have already commissioned their first aircraft carrier which they named as Liaoning. The vessel was a former Soviet ship owned by Ukraine.
The huge ship was measured at 300-meter (990 foot) and was named after one of the province in China, located in the northeaster part of the country, Liaoning, the home of China’s main naval port of Dalian.
China now made it to the list of permanent UN Security Council member to have their own aircraft carrier which also showed the economic and political significance of Beijing grows further.
The Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning was also known previously as “Number 16,” the vessel have already met with the concern from regional powers including Japan and the United States since August 2011.
The recent commissioning of the Chinese vessel will surely fuel the tensions in the South China Sea. China have been involved with disputes against the Philippines, Vietnam, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.
According to the Chinese Navy, their latest addition to their growing number of ships will be used mainly for training and development purposes.
Domestic press said on Sunday that the vessel had been handed over to the navy of the People’s Liberation Army by its refitters.