GoDaddy Downed Under Attacked by Anonymous

One of the world’s most popular domain registrar was under attacked and was experiencing a major downtime. The news of being attacked was confirmed by the official website which happened at around 10:25 AM PT.

The service have been restored at around 2:45 PM PT according to the official website of GoDaddy. The site (–foul word(s) removed–)ured their users that there was no sensitive customer information, such as credit card data, p(–foul word(s) removed–)words or names and addresses were compromised.

Numerous technology reports have already surfaced regarding the which was previously unreachable and those that were hosted with GoDaddy were also down.

One of the most problematic part of the situation is that all domain registered with GoDaddy that uses its nameservers and DNS records are also down. Even if you host elsewhere but when you use GoDaddy DNS it is still inaccessible but right now the service have restored.

The attacked was confirmed by Anonymous Own3r — the security leader of Anonymous — is taking personal responsibility for the attack through his official Twitter account.

The world’s most popular hactivists group Anonymous although not involved have also confirmed that they have supported the attacked made by Anonymous Own3r.

GoDaddy Hacked


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