One of the most intriguing yet emotional scene of an ordinary man with his dog captured the imaginations of thousands if not millions of audience around the internet.
Mr. Unger had a dog whose name was Schoep, the dedication of the owner to his four-legged creatures shows the meaning of true friendship.
A photo which was originally posted on Facebook spread the remarkable story of a dog owner and caring for his best friend. The photo showed John Unger soothing the 19-year-old dog to sleep in a lake.
The photo was captured by a very good friend of John named Hannah Stonehouse Hudson, a professional photographer captured the rare moment of the man and his aging dog.
The story of the dog and Mr. Unger all started since he adopted the puppy Schoep, who is named after a famous brand of Wisconsin ice cream, and now that the dog has developed arthritis, he has trouble getting to sleep.
The dog who suffered arthritis, has troubled getting to sleep and the only way to make the dog fall asleep is to take the dog to the nearest lake. Mr. Unger, who was 49-year-old carried the dog every night to the lake for the buoyancy of the water soothes the dog’s arthritic bones.
The remarkable story of the dog and Mr. Unger caught the attentions of numerous fans on Facebook. According to Mr. Unger, he and his then-fiancee adopted Schoep when the pup was only eight months old and suffered abused from its former owner.
The couple made every effort to make the dog as part of their one big happy family, they were able to establish the trust of the dog to it’s full potential.
Mr. Unger’s relationship with the dog has clearly stood the test of time despite the fact that his relationship with his fiancee failed and when the woman left, he got the custody of the dog. During the wake of their break-up, Mr. Unger nearly contemplated suicide after depression struck him.
According to the Mr. Unger, the dog Schroep definitely saved his life during those time of depression. He was quoted as saying that “To be honest with you, I don’t think I’d be here if I didn’t have Schoep with me (that night). He just snapped me out of it. I don’t know how to explain it. He just snapped me out of it. … I just want to do whatever I can for this dog because he basically saved my (–foul word(s) removed–),’ he said.
The dog saved the life of his best friend, Mr. Unger, but right now that Schroep is in pain with his arthritis, it is Mr Unger’s time to return the favor.
In the description of the photo, Ms Stonehouse Hudson told the Pioneer Press that “In this photo, people have said they see everything from pure love to hope for the world. They see peace, kindness, the relationship between man and dog,” Ms Stonehouse Hudson stated.
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