Lindsay Lohan had a car accident when an 18-wheeler truck crashed against her black Porsche sports car in Los Angeles on Friday.
It was known that Lindsay Lohan was on her way for a taping of the film called “Liz and Dick” when she unfortunately encountered an accident along the Pacific Coast Highway in LA.
Witnesses tell that the 25-year-old actress was with her (–foul word(s) removed–)istant who were left bruised and wounded caused by the car crash that happened at around 11am. An ambulance brought them to the hospital right away.
Fortunately, there were no major injuries. Dealing with one of the regular highway accident, Police Sgt. Richard Lewis of Santa Monica says that both drivers were left uninjured as they were not under the influence of alcohol while driving at that time. Further investigations are still on going.
After some tests, Lindsay Lohan was released from the hospital with no serious injuries hours after the car crash happened. She is back on set for the “Liz and Dick” taping.
After what had happened, everyone is very much concerned about Lindsay’s recent accident says the spokesman of Lindsay named Les Eisner.
The spokesman said that Lindsay is doing a great for her latest movie “Liz and Dick” which will depict about the love story of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. It is expected that the film production for “Liz and Dick” is set to end in the last week of June.
A news site broke that Lindsay Lohan just rented the Black Porsche which is now heavily damaged.