One of the Philippine’s premier university the University of Santo Tomas celebrates it’s 400 years and one of its highlights is the fireworks display from Dragon Fireworks.
UST is considered as Asia’s oldest university in terms of student population. It is the world’s largest Catholic University in the world located in one campus.
UST was founded way back April 28, 1611 by the third Archbishop of Manila, Msgr. Miguel de Benavides, O.P., together with Frs. Domingo de Nieva and Bernardo de Santa Catalina.
On April 17, 1902 the University of Sto. Tomas was made a “Pontifical University” by Pope Leo XIII and on 1974 Pope Pius XII made UST as the “Catholic University of the Philippines.”
Meanwhile here’s the video of the fireworks display in celebration for the 400 years of UST: