Black Nazarene Procession Terror Threat Confirmed by Pres. PNoy

Black Nazarene Procession
Black Nazarene Procession

The national government of the Philippines through President PNoy confirmed that there is a terror treat for tomorrow’s Black Nazarene procession. The procession which will be held tomorrow January 9, 2012 must be done in extreme care.

President Benigno Aquino III was quoted as saying that “I am sad that terrorists want to disrupt ability of people to live their lives, including freedom to worship and other community activities.” the President said in a briefing held at Malacañang today.

The President called on the Filipinos to exercise “maximum vigilance and discipline” for tomorrow’s celebration of the Black Nazarene Feast tomorrow.

According to Police chief Nicanor Bartolome he already ordered the 15,000 strong police officers in Metro Manila on full alert as part of the preparations and comprehensive security and public safety plan.

The President also called the attention of the devotees to take extra care and be vigilant on people who were joining the celebrations.

The highest official in the land appealed to the public to cooperate with the authorities. He urged the public and appeal to them “not bring the following to the processions: cell phones, weapons, fireworks. Anyone who is caught bringing or using fireworks will be apprehended.” President PNoy stated.

The procession of the Black Nazarene is an annual event that will bring devotees from different parts of Metro Manila and the provinces to throng to Quiapo and joined the celebration. There is an estimated 9 million devotees were expected to attend.

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