Lady Gaga to end Lady Goo Goo’s existence?
With the widespread of online games existing like mushrooms in the cyber world, it was not a surprise that there were many popular names specially in the entertainment scenes that was been spoofed by animated characters with a twist and among those high profile celebrity who had their own online game character was Lady Gaga, and hers was named Lady Goo Goo.
Moshi Monster online game had been the home of Lady Goo Goo along with Dustin Bieber and others. Lady Gaga was a baby with a signature shades. And the company who had been the brain behind the character had already been starting to create advertising campaigns for Lady Goo Goo as it is about to release its own songs. In fact, Mind Candy, the firm based in United Kingdom owning the Moshi Monster Online Game is about to release the “Moshi Dance”, and a teaser of it had been already posted on their official channel at Youtube.
However, it seemed that Lady Gaga was not happy about it, and it could be the reason that perhaps the owner of Lady Goo Goo character got few choices on what to do to the character, either to totally faced it out from the group or to create some enhancement to the character in response to the Lady Gaga’s triumph regarding the injunction case that she and her representative had filed against the creator of the character.
In line to the injunction granted, the firm handling Lady Goo Goo had been forbidden to do any acts and form of promotional activity for her and the song. Furthermore, the firm can no longer create any character or similar to Lady Goo Goo.
Mind Candy was surprise about the result of the injunction as they were not expecting a lost in the case.