Sean Parker, the man behind one of the most successful but controversial music sharing site Napster had decided to be a part of microblogging site Twitter, a Facebook rival. He was the former President of Facebook.
Parker was instrumental with the success of Facebook and he made one of most significant contribution he had brough to Facebook was the ommission of one word to the original site that was founded by his friend Mark Zuckerberg.
Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook on 2004 but it was Sean Parker who convinced him to transfer from his dorm room in Harvard to the Silicon Valley in California to pursue his social networking site. The ommission of the word “the” to the “thefacebook.com” was credited to Sean. He was the one who suggested that the site should be renamed as “facebook.com”.
During the early days of Facebook Sean was also instrumental on finding venture capitalists to support their business aside from the funding Mark had received from his best friend and co-founder Eduardo Saverin.
Sean Parker, joined Twitter last Monday afternoon and his first tweet was an apology to Mark Zuckerberg for joining their rival service. Parker tweeted “Sorry Zuck, I had to do it eventually. (Actually @scooterbraun made me do it.)” Parker mentioned Bieber Manager Scooter Braun.
Sean Parker has a networks of billionaires who controls the internet. He had a total (–foul word(s) removed–)ets of $2.1 Billion on his declared accounts. Parker founded www.foundersfund.com
As of this writing Sean Parker’s official twitter account had already a total of 18,933 followers and still counting. So far he had only 1 tweet apologizing to Mark Zuckerberg on his verified account.
To get to know Sean Parker better just watch the video below wherein Steven Bertoni, a Forbes Magazine writer talks about Sean Parker: