Brad Pitt rescues a woman while filming in Scotland

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt is not only absolutely good-looking but his physical feature is a reflection of how good he is deep inside.

Coming from reports, Brad had made the crowd especially those within his circle while filming in Scotland very proud and amazed on his heroic deed as he rescued a woman who slipped during the shoot. He brought back the woman to her feet.

For his new film entitled World War Z, there were reported 700 extras who took part in the shoot especially in the intense battle scene. According to the insider as reported on, the woman who had been rescued by Brad is one of those 700 extras.

As a result of having been slipped, the woman’s knee was badly grazed. But despite being hurt, the woman is still grateful to Brad.

It’s not every day that someone as handsome and as famous like Brad Pitt could extend a hand and help other people.

Even if he is that popular and that millions across the globe looked up to him, Brad had proven that he could be an everyday hero just like any other.

Due to the heavy shoot for the film, as reported from The Scottish Sun, an insider from the set had said that Brad was not able to talk to the woman after the incident. But then the woman had already expressed how thankful she was to the actor.

Brad Pitt is a father of 6 and the husband of also the famous and kind-hearted Angelina Jolie.

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