Music Stars through social media calls for help to end crisis in Africa

crisis in Africa
Horn of Africa

Definition of the word poverty varies depending on the culture and status. Some measures poverty through possessions that they could not have. Some defined it based on the things they don’t have. While there were many, in most parts of the world who do not need to say they were poor for they were born to have that status. And somehow, they would die still having the same status. They die starving.

That is why some of the world’s biggest names in the music scene had chose to work hand in hand and had used their influences and connections to rebuild and to save Africa out from the growing number of starving citizens. They came together eyeing for one great cause.

Last Tuesday, as they look forward of helping to stem the suffering and the hunger experienced by African region, a website was launched called as “I’m Gonna Be Your Friend” which can be found on the web via

Through the existence of social media such as Facebook and website, celebrities like Lady Gaga, Justin Beiber and U2 to name just a few of the more than 150 stars who had joined the cause had been using those mentioned platforms to reach their fans and followers to help the starving families in the region through donation.

Most of the countries in the African region are suffering from hunger. In fact, in Somalia, about 3.6 million of its residence was starving.

Furthermore, as reported, the United Nations revealed that across the Horn of Africa, there are 12 million people who are affected with food shortage and starvation. The number includes that of Ethiopia and Kenya.

The launched of the celebrities’ campaign which was spearheaded by Bob Marley’s widow, Rita Marley as its main objective is to gain fund in order to help in rebuilding the agricultural resources as well as to gain more funds to fight against famine.

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