Texas Lake Turning Red is a Sign of Apocalypse says Paul Begley

Texas Lake turns bloody red
Waters in OC Fisher Reservoir in West Texas turns bloody red.

A lake in Texas suddenly became bloody red. Could this be a sign of the world’s end?

Recently the water surface of OC Fisher Reservoir turns opaque red in color. The OC Fisher Reservoir is sited in San Angelo State Park that is within West Texas.

An author from LiveScience.com writes that it may not signify the end. Rather, it pushes the probability that fishing within the said area is about to end. OC Fisher Reservoir who was once considered to be a good spot for leisure is now on its turning point of fading.

When OC Fisher Reservoir was hit with drought, what have been left were dying fishes covering the reddish stagnant water.

Some believers consider it as one sign of the near apocalypse. However, authorities of the OC Fisher explained that the deep, opaque red of the waters within the said reservoir was a result of brought by a certain bacteria called Chromatiaceae.

The Chromatiaceae bacteria were identified to grow well in waters where oxygen is hardly gained.

Almost 75 % of the areas within the state of Texas are suffering from a serious drought in this summer season. The National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC) released this statement.

A week ago, a tropical storm known as Don visited Texas but their hopes didn’t flourish for the storm only brought forth a little inch of rain to the seriously affected areas.

The OC Fisher Reservoir is supposed to be a big help to some fishermen since it has been a source of fishes such as sunfish, catfish and b(–foul word(s) removed–). But the said fishing activities gradually decline day by day.

Hundreds and even thousands of dead fishes cover what has to be a few feet water level that had remained. The OC Fisher is now lifeless.

Photos of the bloody-red water reservoir scattered in the internet. It even caught the attention of a certain preacher named Paul Begley who concluded that what had happened to said Texas Lake is a sign that the end of the world is on its near end. He proves it by emphasizing the statement mentioned in Revelation of the Bible.

Harold Camping of Family Radio failed his prediction that the world’s end was on May 21, 2011. And now, here comes another preacher to warn the people about the apocalypse.

Below is the video of Paul Begley explaining his biblical belief regarding the Texas Lake that turned red.


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