After more than a month of silence, the NBA representatives and NBA players’ union resumed the negotiation last Monday at New York. The long and tiring meeting that almost lasted for three hours has ended up in a stalemate as no new resolution has been p(–foul word(s) removed–)ed.
With the pre-season about to start and 2011-12 season just few months away, the chance of having the season start on time is becoming slimmer and slimmer. Seeing the result of the discussions, NBA Commissioner, David Stern was not optimistic about the outcome.
Latest development on the issue reported just recently that the battle will be fought in court. NBA Players Union threatened to file the antitrust lawsuit against the league.
NBA has also filed two cases against NBA Players Union. First is the charge of unfair labor practice with the National Labor Relations Board and a lawsuit in federal district court in New York. It was followed by the accusation that the players are not being uncooperative in negotiations toward a new collective bargaining agreement.
NBA Players union considered that charges “totally without merit” while NBA regards its action as essentially preventative legal medicine.
I don’t like much the court room drama that’s why I’m an avid fan of sports and I still love to watch the NBA played in a basketball court and no other court for that matter.