White House: US Budget will not Fail!

William Daley
White House Chief of Staff William Daley

White House Chief of Staff William Daley is confident that this year’s United States budget will not fail on its obligation. Before the August 2 deadline, Daley believes that the House of Congress will come up with a right decision; they are trying to figure out what would be the best reduction plan for this year.

Additionally, too much expense made by uncooperative politician while the country is suffering from its budget is not helping. President Barrack Obama suggested on having a compromise for this years budget and (–foul word(s) removed–)ures everyone that he is positive that America will survive this crisis. On the other hand the proposed budget of Republicans will only do economic harm, Obama said.

According to surveys, the government could not resolve this issue if the two parties will not agree with the same right decision. Most people say it is the conservative Republicans from the House of Representative we should blame for not supporting this administration and for putting this government into a situation that will cause to fail. Likewise, they should have listened to the voice of Americans who care most of the countries well being.

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