NBA Stars Express Happiness for the support of Filipinos fans

NBA Stars with Manny Pacquiao
NBA Stars with Manny Pacquiao

After the visit of the National Basketball (–foul word(s) removed–)ociation or NBA stars in Manila, they have expressed their happiness and deepest thanks to all their Filipino fans that showed hospitality and great welcome to them.

The NBA players had a 2 game series with the PBA all star selection and the Smart Gilas Pilipinas National team. After the match most of the players has shown their admiration to the Filipino fans over the social networking site twitter.

Among who came in Manila are Lakers star players Kobe Bryant and Derek Fisher, Kevin Durant, James Harden, Derrick Williams, Tyreke Evans, Chris Paul, Derrick Rose and JaVale McGee.

Other stars have mentioned in their tweet they wanted to come back again soon here in the Philippines after experiencing the warm welcome of the Filipinos.

Oklahoma star, Kevin Durant stressed out that he had fun during the game and loves all his fans that came and cheered for them.

His co-team mate James Harden also said that the game was amazing and added that he hopes he can comeback soon in the Philippines. He also mentioned that he will be touring the city and buy some stuff before leaving the country.

Star Players JaVale McGee, Derrick Williams and Derrick Rose also conveyed their appreciation to all the Filipinos who came to see them during the game and treated them very well in the trip.

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