EchoSign a Digital Signature Company Acquired by Adobe

EchoSign is a company based on Palo, Alto California that makes screen signing of PDF files and other electronic documents more easier. Adobe had just acquired the company according to a press released yesterdy July 18, 2011 by Adobe Systems Inc. and reported by Mashable.

Adobe will incorporate the cloud based digital signature into some of Adobe products such as SendNow for file transfer, FormsCentral for form creation and CreatePDF.

The president and general manager of Acrobat Solutions Kevin Lynch was quoted as saying in  a statement as “By adding electronic signature capabilities to Adobe’s document exchange services platform, we will be addressing the need to provide better customer experiences by significantly reducing the time, cost and complexity (–foul word(s) removed–)ociated with having a document signed.” said Kevin Lynch in a statement.

The acquisition of EchoSign by Adobe will results for the abandonment of the its eSignature service that was released last Ma. With the new service there is a possibility of phasing out of printers for it will allow a new in computing, a paperless signature solution. The printer is on the verge of retirement for the coming years.

The service by Adobe is now offered and currently available to more than 3 million users at a monthly subscription fee. The new paperless solution will be integrated with the other products from Adobe but it is still up to the company to do it.

With the acquisition of EchoSign, Adobe systems have indeed add another milestone on its service. EchoSign Chief Executive Officer Jason Lemkin was quoted as saying that “With nothing to download, learn or install, there is simply no faster or more secure way for organizations to sign, track or file contracts – and close more business quickly.” said Jason Lemkin.

EchoSign had been in the digital solutions for the past few years and had made a significant contributions to different web-based companies such as Groupon, Facebook, Dell, Pandora, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Aetna, BT, and other internet companies known globally.

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