Soon on Internet: Address suffixes expand, .whatever might rise

ICANN LogoGone were the days when suffixes for internet sites only revolves for “.com”,”.org”,”.net”,”.edu”, and “.gov” to name a few, now as part of loosening up in order to join with the expanding world of technology, ICANN, the agency tasked for (–foul word(s) removed–)igning Internet addresses had announced that they are to allow various suffixes ranging from brands to anything else.

Currently, as reported, there were almost 300 new suffixes used and presently available in the internet however, only few were being used including “.com” and “.net”.

Way back 1984 when internet was created, upon the approval of these new guidelines, this one is considered to be the biggest change and innovation ever established.

Some possible suffixes for use in addresses may include “.ipad” for manufacturers like Apple, “.bank” for financial institutions such as the Citigroup banks, and “.eco” for addresses managed by environmentalists and environmental groups.

This moved was under the concern of ICANN or the Internet Corporation for (–foul word(s) removed–)igned Names and Numbers which is based on California.

According to their chairman Peter Dengate Thrush, their loosening up to the policies and the revisions made is the start of the whole new advancement in the Internet.

The target of the expansion, implementation and approval as well as filing for application of new suffixes is expected to kick off January 12.

This new changes would be the reason of establishing more opportunities for various companies to further publicized their products. Moreover, with the use of appropriate address suffix for the website, users and searches will be able to easily take a look and identify the type of service and information catered by the site. On the contrary, with the use of many other suffixes, confusion may arise.

Another advantage of the implementation of many other suffixes as ending of addresses for website is that it will provide protection to their brands.

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