Ayman Al-Zawahiri: Taking the command for Al-Qaeda after death of Bin Laden

Ayman al-Zawahiri: new leader of al-qaedaBin Laden will continue to “terrify” U.S. even if he’s on the grave; this is after the world’s premier terrorist group “Al-Qaeda” had officially announced that they got the new leader which will continue the legacy of their killed leader, in the person of Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri.

Al-Zawahiri had studied as a doctor and as surgeon and he was known as a long time Deputy of Osama.

Under this new leadership, Al Qaeda is expected to be more active in their activity especially in their attempt for holy war towards U.S, Israel and their allies, thus as reported by Reuters.

The new leader also stressed that today, America is not only to face an individual nor a group but they will have to face a nation in rebellion.

In the statement, al-Qaeda “announces that Sheikh Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri, may God guide him, (–foul word(s) removed–)umed responsibility as the group’s amir [leader]”.

Based on intelligence, it was said that al-Zawahiri was the ‘brain’ behind the 9/11 attack which triggers the gap and trouble between Al-Qaeda and U.S.  The said terrorist attack had been the reason of death to hundreds of people working in the Twin Tower now known as the Ground-Zero.

Al-Zawahiri who is believed to be turning 60 this weekend said that their leader had departed and he asked God to have mercy on him.

Further, he urges his group to continue going to the path established by their late leader, the path to jihad in order to protect their land and to defeat invaders out from the Muslim territory.

With the recent reorganization of al-Qaeda, under a new leadership, Al-Qaeda will attempt to showcase something that will serve as evidence that they are still in the business.

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