From the people that he was able to work with down to his fans, Jeff Conaway’s death is a moment worth for mourning. And from them, words of appreciation floods. Some expressed their feelings verbally while others expressed their grief through the use of social networking sites.
“”Jeff Conaway was a wonderful and decent man, and we will miss him. My heartfelt thoughts are with his family and loved ones at this very difficult time.”, thus John Travolta said upon hearing this news on Friday.
They were able to work together during the filming of ‘Grease’ wherein he played as the right hand of the late actor for the said musical way back 1978.
Younger generation of stars including Miley Cyrus also expressed some words for Jeff via the micro-blogging site Twitter stating, “”RIP Jeff Conaway. I’ll see you in another life,” She posted that tweet even if she was born 14 years after Jeff Conaway had made his name in the film industry.
Another tweet expressing their sentiments for the p(–foul word(s) removed–)ing away of Conaway comes from Drew Pinsky, the two were co-stars also in the movie ‘Celebrity Rehab’. Tweeted : ,”I’m saddened to report [Conaway] has succumbed to his addiction, thus far we have no evidence of an intentional overdose … looked like he might pull through last weekend, but unfortunately that was not to be. Please continue to send your well wishes.”
While Alyssa Milano simply shared her thought in Twitter and she tweeted,” Rest in Peace.”
Jeff Conaway died at the age of 60 after the long battle for addiction to drugs and alcohol.