Google Wallet, Offers to take the lead in shopping innovation


Technology and innovation is unstoppable, another proof is the launching of Google Wallet and Google offers.

Google company’s aim for having this innovation is to take the lead for “tomorrow’s best shopping experience.”

In article published in, Stephanie Tilenius,  Google’s VP for Commerce said that the company putting together all parts of retail experience. By saying this, customers and digital natives must expect more from Google.

This new services offered by Google is currently having market testing in San Francisco and New York. But how is this new service works? The core is that this service, coupons-discounts-payments all together. A consumer can pay her desired products through her mobile phones by simply waving it over the terminal and the merchants as well will be sending receipts to the phone as a response. Aside from that, products in a store will also appear on the phone and from that the users/customers can purchase that product online.

This kind of transaction is made possible by a chip embedded in a phone called NFC chip. Up to this date, Android-based Nexus S is the first to have this kind of service. NFC stands for near-field communication which allows data in small quantity to be transferred among two interacting devices. For the case of Google Wallet, information that can be included are credit card information, coupon bar code and alike. To make this new service more available, Google said that those Android phone that will be released soon will all be equipped with NFC chip.

Making this service possible is of course through the participation and collaboration of different known cards such as Citi and Mastercard to which Google Wallet will be supporting also.

Apart from the Google Wallet, Google sets up the new Google Offers, it will be catered daily in the form of alerts to customers and might be on e-mail or even in phone.

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