As the debate between the Catholic church and the supporters of Reproductive Health Bill becomes hotter, Archbishop Emiritus Oscar Cruz speaks out to the public and gave his opinion regarding President Aquino Supporting the Bill. He said that Aquino’s action in supporting the population control program shows the current administrations inability to udertake socioeconomic programs to ease poverty.
In one of the statement by Bishop Cruz he said that Aquino’s governement is taking the most simplistic way to lessen the number of Filipino to have a better philippines.
Cruz also added that it seems the loud shout during election campaign “Kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap” (If there’s no corruption, there’s no poverty) has already forgotten and it was changed to “Kung walang ipapanganak, walang mahirap’ (If no child is born, there’s no poverty),”
Bishop Cruz even criticizes the path that the government is taking to lessen the poverty in the country, he said that instead of thinking of ways to produce more food and houses for people, the governments idea of p(–foul word(s) removed–)ing the RH Bill subscribe to this statement “the less people eat, the more food there is … the fewer people are housed, the more houses there are,”.
He even gave a striking statement to the government quoting “Let there be a dedicated, not a laid-back national leadership. Let there be a wise, not a dull national government,”.
Bishop Cruz earlier stress out that the national economy’s productivity and misery depends on the government and how it is being managed, he also said that it does not merely depends on how big the population is in a given country.
According to Archbishop Cruz, the church is criticizing President Aquino for supporting RH Bill because it promotes sex education from grade 5 and provide contraceptive pills to parents who wish to have a family.
Retired Bishop Oscar Cruz once stand against the issue on “Jueteng”, that was alleged being condoned by Officials of Aquino’s government but his blast yesterday was his strongest so far.