Harold Camping’s Family Radio Still Accepting Donations After Failed May 21 Rapture

Family Radio Accepting Donations After Failed May 21 Rapture
Family Radio Website

Harold Camping, the Christian radio broadcaster and president of Family Radio had made another horrible prediction of proclaiming May 21, 2011 as the date of the Rapture. It caused media frenzy and became a hot topic not only in different news media organization but also in social media sphere.

Family Radio which operates through donations from various organizations and supporters around the world had been in business for the past 52 years. The network produces programming in more than 40 languages including Filipino via DWSS 1494 kHz during weekdays from 6PM-10 PM.

With the failed May 21, doomsday or rapture predictions, the Family Radio was still operating and in fact continue in accepting donations from its followers and listeners. During the last May 20 broadcast of Camping’s famous show “The Open Forum” program he told his listeners and viewers that it will be his last appearance in the show for he is eagerly waiting for the rapture to come through.

Harold Camping became notorious for what he is called the doomsday, he had already failed before when he predicted that the world will end last September 6, 1994 but nothing happens, although failed he even fielded more and more members to his group and got enormous followers to his Family Radio programs.

There were already evidences that the false prophet Harold Camping was not telling the truth about his predictions. The main page of Family Radio was still accepting donations although they proclaimed that the end of the world will happen on May 21, 2011.

Harold Camping’s Family Radio Network estimated network as of 2008 was listed at $117 million and they spent at least $1 million in billboard advertisement alone not including those who are supporting anonymously. They were scattered around the world, reaching even communist countries such as China.

In his last radio broadcast over Family Radio last May 20, Camping once again was quoted as saying “You and I are living at the time of the end of the world.” The broadcast had been beamed lived but time had already p(–foul word(s) removed–)ed and nothing happens. His hoaxed prediction will be added to another failed predictions the world had already witnessed.

The May 21, 2011 Rapture prediction by Harold Camping would cost an economic chaos around the world. The disappearance of an estimated 200 million believers around the world according to Camping will be a huge loss to the population and a record-setting event that everybody can noticed. That things never happened. Harold Camping failed again.

Family Radio continue to conduct its live broadcast and the rent of their office in Oakland have been extended even after the predicted May 21, 2011 Rapture predictions. Workers were scheduled to return to work after Saturday’s paid day off. Website of Family Radio was still paying its hosting fees.

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