Chromebook – Google’s new laptop will be out on the market by June. This laptop is equipped with Google Chrome’s browser and web optimized.
Chromebook, according to Sergey Brin, Google’s co-founder is a “new model of computing.”
Prototype of Google’s laptop was introduced six months ago and then, testing and play followed in order to know users feedback towards this new product.
The prototype was then called CR-48, and it was tested by developers, business, schools, journalists and reviewers for feedbacking and quality check.
During the company’s developer conference, it was announced that Samsung and Acer will be the first to manufacture and offer the device, which cost ranges from $349 and $499. The product will be first available in U.S. and 6 other European countries which include the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands from June 15.
The price for the Samsung version will start at $430 for a Wi-Fi powered device and $499 for a 3G model while Acer machine will start at $350.
Critics says that Chromebook is a device that looks like a laptop but does so many fewer things and its cost $499 approximately is not a wise buy.
However, Chromebook as designed by Google has the aim of encouraging people to use web-based applications. For it was noted that most people spend their time in accomplishing their tasks online.
They further added that Chromebook had the following feature, first, it boots up in eight seconds instead of minutes, a unique feature not common to most laptops. Aside from that, its battery life can last for a day, it had security updates that runs automatically and indeed it is faster than any other common and traditional laptops.
With the mentioned special features, Mr. Drin said that ,”It’s a much easier way to compute… and Chromebook is venturing into a new model of computing that I don’t think was possible even a few years ago.”
Chromebook is a new model which precious resource is the user’s time.