Without Population Control, Poor won’t benefit economic growth

result of poverty
home but not a house

PHILIPPINES – Recent survey from United Nations said that the country had sustain the post crisis economic growth, however due to the large and growing population, it will be “without development” and “that increases poverty.”

UN Director of UN Development Program in the Philippines Renaud Meyer  said that Philippine Economy in the past 10 years is “fairly stable growth” implying that their was no significant changes in poverty.

As survey shows, domestic economy will ease from 7.3 percent in 2010 to a moderate 5.2 percent in 2011, which is the result of low OFW remittances cause by the recent crisis happening in nearby Asian countries like Middle East.

In his speech in Thursday, he said that there is no direct relationship between income growth and welfare of the poor.

He also said that what is a “challenging concern” is the country’s expanding population. And this may explain Poverty in the Philippines. The eyed economic growth according to Meyer increases poverty, even if it benefits few industries, few regions and few sectors in the society. And this growth has not brought development.

“It is therefore imperative that a rational population management policy be enforced by the government immediately, despite vigorous opposition from vigorous lobby groups,” Meyer continued.

However, the propose RH Bill is still pending in the congress which divide the Filipinos ending up to debate between pro’s and anti’s headed by the Roman Catholic Church.

The UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, which released the study, is looking forward for economic policies that will empower the poor which will give emphasis on creating job opportunities in the formal and non-agricultural cl(–foul word(s) removed–) in the society for them to have better jobs.

The agency stressed that since labor is one of the few (–foul word(s) removed–)ets of the poor, the creation of better and more jobs will be a big aid for the poor to move out from poverty.

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