To mark the death of Osama bin Laden, the US President Barack Obama had come to a plan of visiting New York City on Thursdayspecifically to the location in wherein the World Trade Center towers was destroyed.
Officials of the White House announced on Monday that President Obama will visit ground zero and meet the families of nearly 3,000 people who have died during the September 11 terrorist attack which was believed to be headed by Osama bin Laden.
As stated by the media, President Obama invited the former US President George W. Bush to be present on the said event. However, the ex-president’s spokesman David Sherzer announced that Bush declined Obama’s invitation.
Sherzer said that Bush does not have plans of attending the event. Meanwhile, his spokesman told the reporters that the ex-president chose to “remain largely out of the spotlight”.
Former President George W. Bush chooses to stay away from the public as he was known to avoid giving comments for his successor, President Obama.
This week, President Obama discussed that he was hoping that the successful raid in the site where Osama Bin Laden was known to hide may be an instrument to unite the country that is often separated by wars, politics and several other issues.
When Bin Laden operation was held, numerous Republicans commended the US President since it was declared to be a successful action. Osama bin Laden’s death urged others to believe that it could be a sign for the near end of terrorism.