After the statement given by president of the United States Barack Obama that Al Qaeda leader Bin Laden was killed by the (–foul word(s) removed–)ault team of the US in his compound last Monday, the world is now in fear of possible retaliation of the Al Qaeda group.
Despite the triumph felt by some nations regarding the death of the world’s most powerful symbol of terrorism. Some say that there is a big possibility that the Al Qeda group will take revenge for the death of their leader.
Osama Bin Laden has been very difficult to capture that even the three past president of one of the most powerful country in the world the USA wasn’t able to do it. There are others who say that the death of Bin Laden doesn’t necessarily mean that it will eliminate the threat of further attacks.
One of the most tragic attacked made by the Al Qaeda group was the September 11, 2001 bombing where they have take down the Twin tower which is known before as the central economic and military symbol in the US that killed thousands of people. Such attack made Al Qaeda hot in the eyes of all the presidents in the US and has damaged the ties between the Muslim World and the US.
According to the US officials, they have sent a small highly grouped of strike team in Pakistani Capital Islamabad and has attacked the compound where Bin Laden was said to be hiding, Bin Laden was shot dead after crossfire between the two groups.
One of the security officials said that the US government has ordered a kill operation that means even if Bin Laden will raise a white flag or surrender, he will still be shot dead.