Sony admits that Personal Details of nearly 25 Million PS Users were Stolen

Sony PlayStation
Users of Sony Playstation are warned regarding the the loss of their personal details.

Nearly 25 Million extra PlayStation users are being warned by Sony that their personal details have been hacked.

The losses of extra PS user information were due to the attacks of hackers. The company admits facing several security cracks as Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) service went offline on Monday to undergo broader investigations.

Sony declared a week ago that the personal details of about 77 million PlayStation users have been taken due to cyber-attacks.

At first, Sony was known to speak to its customers through a message saying that they “previously believed that SOE customer data had not been obtained in the cyber-attacks on the company” yet it concluded on May 1 that the information from the SOE account were “stolen” .

Sony faced the most recent attack between April 16 and 17 as quoted by the (–foul word(s) removed–)ociated Press news agency from the said company prior to the larger PS security breach.

The company announced that while the security breach happened, the details of PS users outside United States have been compromised.

Sony customers from Austria, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands reaching at about 11,000 have been stolen including some 13,000 details of the credit or debit card holders who were identified to be from non-US countries.

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