Robots to Work in Japan’s Fukushima Nuclear Plant

robot for Fukushima
Robots will work to measure radiation levels in Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

Applying the new technology never stopped even after Japan was struck by deadly earthquakes with several aftershocks causing a widespread damaged to its country.

Because Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant was damaged by a tsunami more than a month ago, ongoing operations are still being conducted to reduce radiation leaks.

At present, the surrounding environment of the nuclear plant is observed to be too radioactive for workers to respond.

In this wise, remote-controlled robots have been made available as an aid to measure the radiation levels within Fukushima nuclear plant. Powerful robots were known to resist from radiation. They have been imported from the high-end countries to solve Japan’s nuclear crisis.

Nuclear plant of the Fukushima Daiichi faces problems with regards t its vital cooling systems. Currently, engineers together with various workers are still struggling to put it under control due to the reason that they are unable to go through any reactor building.

Robots were known to penetrate radiation so they were responsible to measure elevated levels of radiation within the buildings housing reactors No 1 and 3.

According to Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco), operator of the said nuclear plant, 4 and ½ hours of exposure to radiation levels in the No 3 reactor would go beyond emergency safety limit for workers in Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

Firms said that in housing reactors No 1 and 3, the Oxygen densities were about 21%, a level high enough to let workers go into the buildings.

Hidehiko Nishiyama of Japan’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (Nisa) said in a statement that it has been a “harsh environment” for humans to work inside.

Because of this, Tepco sent robots inside the No 2 reactor to take its radiation measurements. Robots have limited ability so people are still needed to eventually enter the buildings according to Takeshi Makigami, spokesman of Tepco.

Authorities seen the feasibility of the said plan but they had been warned about the unforeseen setbacks that they may encounter.

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