Google announces ‘+1 Button’


Google Liked Facebook’s ‘Like’ button and is ready to launch a similar feature, called ‘+1’, on its search engine. The company announced last Wednesday that a ‘+1’ button will soon appear with Google’s search results and it will allow users to recommend a result to their Gmail friends and contacts.

The ‘Search Giant’ Google’s latest attempt to provide the sharing feature is an answer to Facebook’s ‘Like’ button that plays the most important role for social networking site to help build online relationship.

The official Google blog says by clicking a +1 button a user can give his/her stamp of approval to a search result and can help others to find best stuff on web. To use this new tool, one needs to have a Google profile. A Google profile owner (currently not available in all Google profiles) can enable the service by clicking ‘Join this experiment’ button under +1 Button tab.

Google’s representative Jim Prosser told that people can make recommendation for their Google Contacts that include several Google products like Gmail, Buzz, and Reader. Right now the +1 button won’t affect a website’s search ranking but Google is interested in making use of the +1 system in future for ‘ranking’ purpose. Google can offer the button to third party websites but Prosser notified that Google is not up to incorporate Facebook or Twitter into the service as they are not “Open Web” apps but company has plans to use more data from Flicker and Quora.

According to Prosser the +1 feature will be available for all Google profile holder after a few months, right now Google is experimenting the tool. Possibly, a few search results will start to appear with +1 button in next 2-3 weeks.

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