Google introduces its “+1” button as a counterpart for Facebook’s “Like” button. Google +1 is a new tool which enables people to share their useful insights to their online friends.
The “+1” button had been revealed Wednesday making it easier to recommend search links to those who are under someone’s Gmail “My Contacts” group list.
By clicking the +1 button, one will be able to advertise more significant searching results. The button will serve as a guide for someone to visibly see the useful links that are recommended by the people they know.
It appears next to ads and search results for Google users adding a human factor to Google’s automated search algorithm.
The technology giant, Google, is planning to allow other websites to put the +1 button after their content just like how the Facebook Like button works. In the future, this element will be more useful to blog posts as well.
Struggling to widen its social business, Google primarily made an attempt for a social network so they launched Orkut. In Brazil, Orkut remains popular. However, it did not hit in other countries. Google took a next step which is the Google’s Buzz. But according to some analysts, the +1 will replace the Buzz button in due time.
CEO Eric Schmidt emphasized that Google is not competing with the social networking site Facebook as it says that Google’s main major competitor is the Microsoft.
Meanwhile, it was observed last year that online users spend more of their time visiting Facebook than Google. Based on Hitwise, Facebook beat Google as the previous most-visited site throughout the internet.
At present, Google focuses on being a method for power search. It creates an idea that people who are close to you can become useful guides while searching for answers on the web.