Healthiest Fruits

healthy fruits
healthiest fruits

Berries are known as the hunger quelling fiber. A piece of raspberry has one calorie each. There is nothing to worry if you eat large amount of this fruit. Ashley Koff a registered dietitian in Los Angeles, recommends eating raspberries for those who struggle of eating a portion sizes.
Dip frozen berries into a chilled brewed tea without adding sugar.

One of the biggest diet partners is grapefruit. They are ‘high in fiber’, ‘low in sugar’. According to the author of 101 Optimal Life Foods David Grotto, research shows that grapefruit improves insulin resistance that make you feel fuller. Eating grapefruit before meal helps to loss weight compared for those who skip grapefruit appetizer.

In a stir fry after everything is cooked already, just add a piece of grapefruit, stir and heat until warmed.   


A medium apple contains 95 calories. It slows digestion, and if you eat much fruit it will reduce your sugar snack intake.  An apple has four filling grams of fiber. Don’t peel an apple because most of its fiber is in its skin. Inhaling green apple scent when you desire to eat for food, can trick your brain, thinking that you have already eaten and will result to weight loss.

For a refreshing side salad, toss chopped apple, jicama and celery with olive oil, lemon juice and honey.


Banana has 105 calorie per medium size.  A new research found that banana contains “resistant starch” the fiber that are slowly digested in the body, making your blood sugar stable, and makes you feel satisfied longer. Opposite of what we are thinking before that banana can gain weight

To make two servings of a yummy banana dessert, cover sliced banana with half tablespoon of nut butter and half tablespoon and cocoa powder. Wrap each piece in wax paper and put in the freezer for 15 minutes.

The Lowest-Hanging Fruit

Water packed canned fruit and unsweetened frozen fruit are worthy stands in for fresh produce. But avoid eating dried fruit if you’re watching your waistline. Calorie count in concentrated sugar is high.

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