The Explosion of the second nuclear power plant in Fukushima Japan last Monday has released a vast cloud of smoke filling the air and leaving 11 workers dead in the incident.
Due to the strong impact of the blast, it was felt 40 kilometers away from the location of the Nuclear Plant. Operator of the Fukushima Dai-Chi nuclear plant (–foul word(s) removed–)ures the resident around the site that despite the explosion the radiation levels at the affected reactor were still within legal limits.
Potential third explosion in the plant is expected to happen after the fuel rods at a separate reactor has been exposed and lost its ability to cool down last Monday.
Before the explosion of the unit 3 reactor happened, operators has been trying to cool down the reactor by flooding sea water after the damage caused by the quake which resulted to system failure. Worrying for the possible effects of the blast, government advised hundreds of people living near the plant to stay inside their houses to avoid any damages.
Despite knowing the fact that by flooding sea water to the plant can cause a pressure build up and eventually might lead to explosion, Authorities don’t have any choice but to pursue it just to avoid the total melt down of the plant.
According to the Officials of plant the hydrogen released by the reactor that mixed to the oxygen in the atmosphere is the main reason why the Unit 3 exploded.
The blast has destroyed the outer protector surrounding the reactor but Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said that the inner containment shell covering the unit 3 reactor is still solid which lessens the possible effect of the explosion to the environment and public.
The Fukushima Dai-Chi Plant is owned and operated by the Tokyo Electronic Power Co. (TEPCO). They have announced that radiation in Unit 3 is under control and that the TEPCO will submit a report to the government.
The first explosion in the plant happened last Saturday which injured four workers and resulted to m(–foul word(s) removed–)ive evacuation after the outer structure of the unit 1 has been destroyed.
As of now, record shows that more than 180,000 people have already evacuated from the area and 160 are suspected to be affected by the radiation released by the power plant during the explosion.
The Explosion of the second nuclear power plant in Fukushima Japan last Monday has released a vast cloud of smoke filling the air and leaving 11 workers dead in the incident.
Due to the strong impact of the blast, it was felt 40 kilometers away from the location of the Nuclear Plant. Operator of the Fukushima Dai-Chi nuclear plant (–foul word(s) removed–)ures the resident around the site that despite the explosion the radiation levels at the affected reactor were still within legal limits.
Potential third explosion in the plant is expected to happen after the fuel rods at a separate reactor has been exposed and lost its ability to cool down last Monday.
Before the explosion of the unit 3 reactor happened, operators has been trying to cool down the reactor by flooding sea water after the damage caused by the quake which resulted to system failure. Worrying for the possible effects of the blast, government advised hundreds of people living near the plant to stay inside their houses to avoid any damages.
Despite knowing the fact that by flooding sea water to the plant can cause a pressure build up and eventually might lead to explosion, Authorities don’t have any choice but to pursue it just to avoid the total melt down of the plant.
According to the Officials of plant the hydrogen released by the reactor that mixed to the oxygen in the atmosphere is the main reason why the Unit 3 exploded.
The blast has destroyed the outer protector surrounding the reactor but Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said that the inner containment shell covering the unit 3 reactor is still solid which lessens the possible effect of the explosion to the environment and public.
The Fukushima Dai-Chi Plant is owned and operated by the Tokyo Electronic Power Co. (TEPCO). They have announced that radiation in Unit 3 is under control and that the TEPCO will submit a report to the government.
The first explosion in the plant happened last Saturday which injured four workers and resulted to m(–foul word(s) removed–)ive evacuation after the outer structure of the unit 1 has been destroyed.
As of now, record shows that more than 180,000 people have already evacuated from the area and 160 are suspected to be affected by the radiation released by the power plant during the explosion.