Libyan Protesters Moved Closer to Tripoli, Gaddafi’s Stronghold

Anti-government protesters of Libya
Tripoli, Libya under attacked

Libyan Leader Muamar Gaddafi’s last stronghold Tripoli, the largest city and capital of Libya was now under pressure after pro-democracy protesters were heading towards its borders. Anti-government protesters together with government defectors and rebels have managed to control the neighboring cities of Libya.

Benghazi, the second largest city was now under control of pro-democracy protesters. Numerous deaths have been reported from different parts of Libya that further propelled the sentiments of its people. The inspiration coming from their neighboring countries of Tunisia and Egypt and the advent of social media as a tool for protest have somewhat shaped the countries future.

Recent calls from prominent head of states from different countries have also added pressure on the administration of Libyan Leader Muamar Gaddafi on his grip of Libyan leadership. The use of  force against the protesters was also the reason why the United Nations Security Council have taken seriously the present situation in Libya.

With the renouncement of one of Gaddafi’s closest aide his cousin Ahmed Gadhaf al-Dam, pro-democracy protesters have seen positive results with their effort to topple the government of Gaddafi. With more and more numbers of supporters defected against Gaddadi’s rule, his 41 years grip of power could end anytime soon.

Former Justice Mustafa Abdel Galil, who earlier resigned from office have also met with different Libyan tribal leaders for unification towards the achievement of a pure Democratic Libyan country. He also stated the Libyan leader have biological and chemical weapons that could be used against the protesters.


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