Last Statement of Former Defense Secretary Angelo Reyes: ‘I walked into corruption’

Angelo Reyes
Former chief of staff Angelo Reyes

Two days before Angelo Reyes committed a suicide he wrote a rough “discussion notes” on February 6, 2011 Sunday for an interview with a journalist Malou Mangahas of Philippine Center Investigative Journalism (PCIJ).

“I did not initiate the military irregularities. I walked into it as a traditional in the AFP. Perhaps my faults was having accepting it as ordinary course in the AFP.”

It was believed that his written notes probably the last recorded words of Angelo Reyes.

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In his rough discussion notes it was found there that there are several other former AFP chiefs of staff that received millions of pesos from a traditional send-off money or “pabaon” when one of them retired from service.

In a concise note of Reyes, he tried to show the real situation while active in the service as AFP chief of staff between following a crooked military system and insisting honest career as a devoted soldier in the call of military service.

“I might not be perfect soldier, but I’m not as evil as some people would like to depict”

Reyes described in his notes that later on p(–foul word(s) removed–)ed to Malou Mangahas PCIJ journalist.  The notes read “Tinyente pa lang ako, ganyan na talaga ang sistema sa AFP.”

“The AFP has its own traditional way of practice and it’s always been, even before when I was a lieutenant. I might not be the ideal person to change the imperfect traditional military system. As chief of staff I am not ignorant in every irregularity, but ignore it and somewhat accept as part of the system. It’s easy to say, introduce reforms after all anomalies discovered,” Reyes continued… and what the journalist has explained are still incomplete notes and not final.

The statement illuminates on Reyes intentions for committing suicide, after he was involved as one allege AFP chiefs that received millions of pesos as “pabaon” upon retirement from military service.

Angelo Reyes

1 thought on “Last Statement of Former Defense Secretary Angelo Reyes: ‘I walked into corruption’”

  1. There is a lingering question in my mind that is still unanswered to these days??? is the ex-chief of staff General Angelo Reyes still alive? did he fake his dead? not to testify and implicate government powerful figures? why no signed suicide note? why shoot (45) yourself in the chest to commit suicide? why commit suicide inside the cementery? He cannot fake a suicide by shooting in the head with a 45 caliber pistol even by using blank bullet? the power of the pistol using blank bullet would either kill him or disable him (brain dead)?


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