To some, it may just be a call of nature. But would you believe that Malawi might send you off to jail if you fart in public?
Next week, lawmakers of Malawi will be holding a debate on giving charges to someone who publicly farts.
Justice and Constitutional affairs Minister, George Chaponda, relays the message that the government has a right to ensure public decency. Moreover, they must introduce order in their country. He relayed that message to an independent radio station, Capital Radio.
Strange as it seems but the bill had worthily included prohibitions on actions that may affect any level of extent such as: getting rid of people who disturbs religious ceremonies, carrying deadly or offensive weapons, fraud fortune tellers, tampering with evidence, insulting women’s modesty, tresp(–foul word(s) removed–)ing on burial grounds and encouraging others to duel.
Chaponda added that people must make it a habit to go the toilet rather than “p(–foul word(s) removed–)ing gas” in public. It will be nuisance if they will just fart anywhere.
It was in the year 1929 when this amendment was first introduced.
Farting in public places will be considered to become a minor offense but it has not yet been implemented.
A debate will be conducted in connection to the said amendment for a review.
Questions rise regarding this controversial issue. But in return, people would come to think how guilty they will be at some points of their lives. Considering such activity can sometimes be uncontrollable.
Come to think of a scene where somebody farts on a bus full of p(–foul word(s) removed–)engers. How would they determine who will take the responsibility? Do they have to lock up inside just to find the culprit?
On the other hand, a leader of Southern African country’s opposition named John Tembo says that the establishment of kangaroo-like court will not be ideal for what they call democracy. Such that, people would find it difficult to value the integrity of that proposal.
P(–foul word(s) removed–)ing law such like this would make somebody say it’s odd. But, a similar law has already been written even on the books in Florida where farting at a public place beyond 6pm on Thursday is illegal.
Malawi, which is a Southern African State, is known to be a conservative society that even a long-haired men and trouser-wearing women have been subjected to previous bans.