Another witness appeared before the senate on Thursday February 3, 2011, to attest the prevalent corruption in the AFP.
Lt. Col. Antonio Ramon Lim a new witness that (–foul word(s) removed–)ert the statements of his former boss George Rabusa’s in his teary-eyed appearance before the lawmakers seeking his protection and for his family.
“Since the news is on the move of searching for the truth, I considered myself… I want to get involve, I will tell also the truth” he said.
His 9 years remaining in service in Air Force and for his family security hold his peace of not getting involved in military trouble, but his conscience persuaded him as he hold on the promise of Aquino administration towards “daang matuwid” he said.
On Wednesday, Lim went to Department of Justice to apply for protection under the WPP and Immunity from suits. He does not know yet the condition of his application for protection from the lawmakers.
But according to Senator Juan Ponce Enrile and AFP chief of Staff Ricardo David promised that the needed security applied of Lim is granted.
In his written statement, Lim helped Rabusa in his presentation as to how the money flow and directed into the possession of AFP chiefs. While reading his statements with teary-eyed, Rabusa was beside him prodding Lim to keep on moving.

“Sonny you know all the truth, I was stroked, and my memory is short” said Rabusa.
Rabusa mentioned the names of involved AFP chiefs in the military irregularities. He said Reyes aside from the P5-million monthly discretionary fund he received the “pabaon” of P50 million (send-off-money) when he retired in 2002. And P10-million each to former AFP chiefs Diomedio Villanueva and Roy Cimatu as “pasalubong” (welcome gift) as soon as they (–foul word(s) removed–)umed the leadership in the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
Money is sourced from different military funds such as Provision Command-Directed Activity (PCDA) fund, Additional Operational Enhancement Fund (AOEF).