Al Jazeera Journalists Held Under Egyptian Custody

Al Jazeera News Channel
Al Jazeera News Channel

Al Jazeera Network had confirmed the reports that 6 of its journalist working for Al Jazeera English Channel was put under custody by the Egyptian authorities. The report of the arrest was reported by the correspondents of the Al Jazeera and was tweeted in their official twitter accounts.

Al Jazeera, the international news network that was based in Qatar and gained its prominent in the Arab World as the only news channel that covers the war in Afghanistan. The channel have even a large collection of video footage that was favorable to the Arab World for it relies mainly on the emphasies of Arab suffering ang political crisis.

Egyptian protests have already reached its day 7, in spite of the wide spread protests by civilians the Egyptian authorities are still clinging in to their positions, President Hosni Mubarak instead appoint her new cabinet.

Al Jazeera correspondents in Egypt have reported on real time the latest updates on the ground especiall in Tahir Square, where m(–foul word(s) removed–) protesters have been gathering and defied the orders of curfew by the authorities.

The arrest of Al Jazeera journalists came a day after their regional office in Egypt have also shut down by the government. Different international news media from around the world had condemned the closure of the Al Jazeera satellite office in Egypt, for them it is a supression of freedom of the press.

On their latest post in their official twitter account the journalists that have been held under custody was now released but their equipment have been seized by the Egyptian authorities.

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