Retired Colonel Exploded Bombshell in the Senate

Angelo Reyes
Angelo Reyes

Former Armed Forces chief of staff Angelo Reyes took advantage the send-off gift (“pabaon”) of “more than” P50 million when he retired in 2001.

Retired lieutenant colonel George Rabusa released a bombshell yesterday January 27, 2011 as he made his surprise appearance at the Senate blue ribbon committee’s initial hearing on the plea bargain between government prosecutors and ex-military comptroller Carlos Garcia.

Rabusa divulge how he and his ex-bosses allegedly accumulated riches with a great share of the booty taken from soldiers’ salaries.

He claimed that he and Lt. General Ligot personally give cash to Reyes. During the time Reyes stayed in Camp Aguinaldo that time. Added that they converted the money to dollar to make it handy.

Except the “pabaon” of P50 million Reyes received a monthly pay of not less than P5M or approximately P100M in his 20mos. As chief of AFP.

Reyes received also another P5M monthly for office expenditure.

Lt. Col. George Rabusa

It becomes “traditional” in the AFP that the top military officials received huge amount of money. “It was normal, and we inherited it.

Two other AFP chiefs of staff, Diomedio Villanueva and Roy Cimatu benefited the said “tradition” who then received more or less P10M. They received it as soon as they took they office.

Reyes did not intensely deny but differed Rabusa’s claims, only saying: “I cannot remember” of accepting P50 M as “pabaon”.

Ligot also admitted that he could never remember (–foul word(s) removed–)ociating with Rabusa handing money to Reyes.

“I cannot remember going there every month with Rabusa. It’s just ordinary we go there most of the time” he said.

Sen. Jinggoy Estrada warned Ligot to tell the truth “I’m willing to wait until Monday until you remember,” Estrada said.

It was Estrada who invited Rabusa’s appearance in the BRC meeting.

Sen. Pres. Enrile told Ligot scolding “the huge purported amount is unforgettable, don’t press your luck” .

Rabusa previously accused of accumulating P50 M in (–foul word(s) removed–)ets, but admitted took small portion from that funds, only P500,000.

“I had all opportunity, since I handled it, I cannot be a hypocrite I did not get from it.

Rabusa said during of Garcia, they “converted” almost P1 B from 2001 to 2002. Once it is converted, I gave it to him immediately.

Rabusa said that the funds came from different offices. The Army, Air Force, Navy, PMA, PSG and AFP Medical Center.

Former military comptroller Lt. Gen. Jacinto Ligot

In Rabusa’s “raw information” said, the DBM released a fund, for example, 120thousand for only 100thousand AFP actual troops. The salary for the 20thousand became source of funds for military officials.

According to Brig. Gen. Jose Mabanta, when he was asked about “raw information” Rabusa claimed if he was surprised he said “Not really”

Mabanta said, abuse of military funds must be the subject of “further investigation”.

Mabanta said since the revelation of Garcia’s plunder case there had been a lot of things happening in the office of the comptroller.  The big office was divided into different function of smaller offices with its intentions to show that there is a check and balance in all financial issues related to military funds and making AFP financial situation more apparent.

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