Changes nowadays are so rampant; and Filipinos are the first subject of influence. If Filipinos turned to be conservative before, well, this time, they have that “western” mind, and the only reason, according to Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales, in his speech last Saturday, that the rapid influence in the Philippines is because of the “hedonism” brought by the Hollywood.
What about Hedonism? “Hedonism” is a school of thought which argues that pleasure is the only intrinsic good. This is often used as a justification for evaluating actions in terms of how much pleasure and how little pain (i.e.suffering) they produce. In very simple terms, a hedonist strives to maximize this net pleasure (pleasure minus pain).
Filipinos are of no doubt of practicing this belief, and you may exactly notice how they prefer to evaluate themselves as western kind. Marital infidelity, worshipping new gods, gay marriage, and live-in relationship; these were some of the hedonistic practices action among Filipinos.
“This is a product of the times this materialism of people. Pleasure and luxury have become very important for people. In a sense, that’s a new idol, a false idol they worship,” Rosales said.
“People are now seeking the new gods of pleasure, money, sensuality and sexuality. Those are now the new gods,” he added.
Philippines is the first imitator of these actions, for there are many countries also suffering this phenomenon before. Rosales said this hedonism was a “significant phenomenon” around the world and Filipinos have also been ensnared by its worldly delights.
In conclusion, Archbishop Rosales said “Man was not created simply for luxury and pleasure. Man was created in order to image the goodness and love of God. Maybe we have forgotten that.”
Maybe this is the time that Filipinos should awaken themselves from these self-pleasure actions, and go back to the word of God.