Marriage is the ultimate destination between two lovers, and the contract of marriage will last forever. It is sacred in the sense God was the first initiated in the Garden of Eden between Adam and Eve. Today the Church is the most powerful solemnizing agency to validate the contract. The contract is irrevocable, powerful and last forever. To enter marriage a man and a woman become one flesh before the eyes of God. Once it is bind between two lovers let no man put asunder.
But in our modern day, some countries such as Italy, allow the annulment process to substitute for the civil act of divorce. In United States I have been reported in 2006, in which more annulment cases launched than the rest of the world combined.
Vatican City Pope Benedict XVI told the priest to do better job of counseling would-be spouses to ensure their marriage last.
He made the comments in his annual speech to the Roman Rota, the Vatican tribunal that decides marriage annulments.
What is annulment? Annulment is a legal procedure for declaring a marriage null and void. An annulled marriage is considered to be invalid from the beginning almost as if it had never taken place. In most cases the civil court is the governing body making the marriage contract null and void.
Benedict acknowledged that the problems that would allow for a marriage to be annulled cannot always be identified beforehand, but said better pre-marriage counseling, which the Catholic Church requires of the faithful, could help avoid a “vicious circle” of invalid marriages.
He said the right to a church wedding requires that the bride and groom intend to celebrate and live the marriage truthfully and authentically.
“No one can make a claim to the right to a nuptial ceremony,” he said.
“The church and society at large place too much importance on the good of marriage and the family founded on it to not make a profound commitment to it pastorally,” Benedict said.
If we believe that church is the most authoritative governing body in the since it bears the authority from the word of God. Why we allow the civil court to make void of what the church is validated.
We have the office of counseling from our Priests and Pastors to help strengthen and educate marriage relationship.
Pope asks Roman Rota to encourage couples to stay married, avoid annulments