PNoy’s Corruption Slogan Won the PublicAffairsAsia Award

pnoy's anti corruption slogan“Kung Walang Corrupt, Walang Mahirap.” You would probably hear this quote under the tandem of Senator Benigno ‘Noynoy’ Aquino III and Senator Manuel Roxas who ran for the Philippine Government’s leadership just last year 2010 election. Who would have guess, but the Corruption slogan wins the Gold Standard Award for Political Communications in the PublicAffairsAsia, a network of senior government relations, public affairs and corporate communications professionals operating across the Asia Pacific region.

The Philippine President Benigno ‘Noynoy’ Aquino III won and received the award in Hong Kong over the Minister Mentor and first Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew, India’s Minister of Information and Broadcasting Ambika Soni, British Prime Minister David Cameron, ASEAN Secretary General Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, and Indonesian Politician Anas Urbaningrum.

PublicAffairsAsia Executive Director Craig Hoy said: “These awards celebrate the achievements of corporations, governments and NGOs and identify those professionals, consultancies and governmental figures who are driving this important process of engagement and partnership in Asia Pacific.”

Aquino made it to a point that the slogan will bring the people’s consciousness.

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