“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.”
It seems like the Department of Education (DepEd) proved Henry Brooks Adams’ statement.
“This new year, we are renewing our commitment to reach all children of school age as part of our intensified efforts towards achieving the Education For All (EFA) commitment,” Education Secretary Armin Luistro said.
With the big budget allocated for the Department of Education, there will be an implementation of the universal public kindergarten program for five-year-olds and the DepEd is planning to hire more than 10,000 teachers this year to serve almost 2.5 million preschool children in the country by opening more than 700 permanent teaching positions.
From the 1,914,137 who were reached in 2010 in both public and private schools, DepEd targets to raise the number of preschool children it will serve to almost 2.5 million or a 21 percent increase in 2011.
Accrding to Education Secretary Armin Luisito, EFA commitment is now within the reach of Department of Education, which will enable them to have a wider reach of children who are deprived of basic education.