Dangers Of Using E-Cigar Or Vape Everyone Should Know

Dangers Of Using E-Cigarettes Or Vape

E-Cigarettes – Many had switched to e-cigarette thinking that this might be the solution to the long time problem on sm0king. People believe that e-cigars or vape is the alternative for the real one. But, it seems that this alternative gives the body more adverse effects.


Electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes became available on 2003 is then said to be the “healthier” choice for smokers who wanted to stop their vice but still have the sensation. But, many research has been done that reveals the possible dangers of vaping.

In an article on The Guardian, a research had found out that vape produce harmful chemicals the same as tobacco that could affect the immune system, lungs, and the whole body.

In a research published by Shyam Biswai from the John Hopkins University in the US, their findings suggest that “e-cigarettes are not neutral in terms of the effects on the lungs.”

“We have observed that they increase the susceptibility to respiratory infections in the mouse models. This warrants further study in susceptible individuals, such as COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder) patients who have switched from cigarettes to e-cigarettes, or to new users of e-cigarettes who may have never used cigarettes,” the professor said.

Here’s an infographic posted by Yahoo Health showing the effects of smoking vape. It says that “nanoparticles from e-cigarette vapor can become embedded in the lungs, causing inflammation and increasing the risk of further infection.”


But, the UK government study suggests that about 95-percent, these e-cigarettes are less harmful than normal cigarettes.

Now, what is your stand against e-cigarettes? Would you really rely on the alternative? or just stop the whole thing instead?

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