Veteran Kapuso actress and one of the most prominent names in Kapamilya Channel’s rival station, Sarah Lahbati took the “ASAP” stage on Sunday along with RC Munoz, Michelle Madrigal and Bella Padilla. The guesting of the 21-year-old Sarah Lahbati put some doubts to her fans followers if she decide to transfer to ABS-CBN.
The finalist of the 5th season of StarStruck, one of GMA’s most popular reality show, Sarah Lahbati was rumored to transfer to ABS-CBN but there is no confirmation yet from the camp of the actress.
During the guesting of the Swiss-Filipino actress with fellow stars RC Munoz, Michelle Madrigal and Bella Padilla they performed a hot dance number which left netizens talking about Sarah Lahbati.
Right after they took their number on ASAP stage, Sarah Lahbati’s name dominated the Twitter trending topics in the Philippines, with some of her fans saying that they are happy to finally see her on ABS-CBN.
Sarah Lahbati is a proud mother of her first son with Kapuso actor Richard Gutierrez. She named her first child with the actor as Zion Gutierrez.
Watch the Performance Video of Sarah Lahbati and Company on ASAP stage.