This Man was Just Boating and Never Expect a Gorgeous Scene of Whales Feeding. Truly Thrilling.

Whales are considered as one of the world’s largest mammals and seeing one is a dream come true for adventurous guys but what will happen if you’re just boating around and will not expect that something will show off. Seeing one whale is already an achievement but what this guy saw is a large pod of whales, luckily he was able to capture it on camera.

Tony Flanders

Tony Flanders was just boating off the coast of Seward, Alaska when he noticed some whale activity. He immediately grabbed his camera and was so excited to anticipate what will happen next.

The ocean became eerily calm, and finally a large pod of whales breached right next to his boat while they were feeding. The man was so surprised and got excited with what he saw and captured by his digital device.

Tony Flanders completely freaked out by the gorgeous scene and was really thrilled with what he experienced.

Watch How Tony Flanders Captured the Giant Creatures:

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