This Two Chipmunks Wants to Join the Jedi Knights so they Showcased their Fighting Skills

In the Star War Universe, joining the Jedi Knights is considered as one of the greatest achievement and this is what happened to this two hairy creatures who wants to join the force of the Jedi. Although some Star Wars fans heated the Ewoks, this fanatics created a video featuring another hairy creature fighting against each other.


YouTube channel VidGeo created an impressive display of ingenuity as they featured in one of their video, the two chipmunks horsing around by adding light sabers to the video clip.

The video which was first posted on YouTube caught the attentions of netizens as it already garnered more than 280,000 views in the world’s largest video-sharing site, YouTube.

Watch the Viral Video of the Chipmunks as Jedi Knights:

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